Contoh descriptive text tentang kantin?

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Contoh descriptive text tentang kantin?

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Canteen is one of place where you can buy food and drink then enjoy it on your lunchtime. Usually canteen made for the one who have lunchtime and doesnt have another time to eat outside the lunchtime.”, Which is why the foods in canteen are simple and fast to be cook., “(But so, it doesnt have to be fast food.)”, “If you ever compare the food in cannteen and the food in restorant, it surely will be different because restorant give more service to the costumer. In another hand, costumer in canteen cant ask for that much service. “, second, they eating room are different too. Restorant have better eating room and eating tools than canteen. Canteen mostly use one time and throw the plate or spoon or fork away.

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Demikian Jawaban Contoh descriptive text tentang kantin? Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

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