Aunt Dina is very healthy. She rarely sick. she is married and has two children. She is more than 40 years old, but her skin is smooth and her face always looks young and beautiful. Oh ya, she exercises almost everyday. She works at a bank. It is almost 2 kilometers from her house. She has a motorcycle, but she goes to work on foot. How many children does aunt Dina have?

Aunt Dina is very healthy. She rarely sick. she is married and has two children. She is more than 40 years old, but her skin is smooth and her face always looks young and beautiful. Oh ya, she exercises almost everyday. She works at a bank. It is almost 2 kilometers from her house. She has a motorcycle, but she goes to work on foot. How many children does aunt Dina have?

  1. She has one child
  2. She has two children
  3. She has three children
  4. She has four children
  5. Semua jawaban benar
BACA JUGA  10 kasus pelangaran hak dan pengingkaran kewajiban warga negara

Jawaban: B. She has two children.

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, aunt dina is very healthy. she rarely sick. she is married and has two children. she is more than 40 years old, but her skin is smooth and her face always looks young and beautiful. oh ya, she exercises almost everyday. she works at a bank. it is almost 2 kilometers from her house. she has a motorcycle, but she goes to work on foot. how many children does aunt dina have she has two children.

BACA JUGA  Jelaskan perbedaan cara adaptasi menyeimbangkan tekanan osmotik pada ikan air dan ikan air laut!

Disclaimer:Jawaban yang disediakan di atas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti di atas. Mudah-mudahan bisa beranafaat

BACA JUGA  Apa perbedaan angkuh dan sombong?