Raisa : I don’t know whether I will take the scholarship or not. It does not cover the plane ticket. I don’t have enough money for it.Hamish : …Raisa : Thank you a million. That’s very kind of you.Which of the following sentences best fill the blank?

Raisa : I don’t know whether I will take the scholarship or not. It does not cover the plane ticket. I don’t have enough money for it.Hamish : …Raisa : Thank you a million. That’s very kind of you.Which of the following sentences best fill the blank?

  1. I’ll find a sponsor for you, if you want.
  2. Can you find a sponsor?
  3. You’d better to leave the scholarship.
  4. I don’t mind if you don’t take it.
  5. I’ll be happy, if you take it.
BACA JUGA  Dari poin poin diatas yang merupakan alasan atau latar belakang dari pemakaian bahan media campuran yang tepat ditunjukkan nomor …

Jawaban: A. I’ll find a sponsor for you, if you want..

Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, raisa : i don’t know whether i will take the scholarship or not. it does not cover the plane ticket. i don’t have enough money for it.hamish : …raisa : thank you a million. that’s very kind of you.which of the following sentences best fill the blank i’ll find a sponsor for you, if you want..

BACA JUGA  Manakah yang lebih teliti,termometer raksa atau termometer alkohol?Jelaskan.

Disclaimer:Jawaban yang disediakan di atas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti di atas. Mudah-mudahan bisa beranafaat

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