Bagaimana cara mengoperasikan mesin fax dan terjemahkan dalam bhasa inggris ? makasih

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Bagaimana cara mengoperasikan mesin fax dan terjemahkan dalam bhasa inggris ? makasih

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, 1.Make sure the fax machine is plugged into a power source and also plugged into a working phone jack., 2.Turn the fax machine on., 3.Obtain the fax number of the destination fax machine., 4.Gather the documents you want to send and put them in the order you want them to be received., u”5.Fill out a separate piece of paper called acoversheetwith the recipients name, fax number/phone number, your name, your phone number, a short message and number of pages (including coversheet).”, 6.Lay the documents face-up in the fax machine feeder tray with the coversheet on top., u”7.Dial the recipients fax number (dialing instructions forinternational calls)”, 8. Press the”fax” or “send” button, depending on the particular fax machine model, Now the fax machine will scan each of the document pages into its memory. After all of the pages have been scanned, youll hear a series of fax tones. These tones signal the “handshake” between the sending and receiving fax machines, establishing a communications link. Wait for a few minutes as the fax is sent. If the fax machine has a small display screen, look for a confirmation that the fax went through. Some fax machines will also print out a short confirmation report., 1.Make sure the fax machine is plugged in, powered on and connected to a working phone jack.This phone jack can either be your regular phone line or a dedicated fax line. The important thing is that the sender has the right number., 2.Make sure that the fax machine has enough ink in its toner cartridge. Toner cartridges usually have some sort of indicator when toner is low. Most modern fax machines will also alert you when toner is low., u”3.Make sure that theres enough printer paper loaded in the fax machines paper tray. Fan the paper (run your thumb along the bottom, separating the individual pages) to avoid paper jams in the machine.”, u”4.If theres a phone on the fax machine, the phone will ring. Dont pick it up.”, 5.Wait for the “handshake” tones indicating that the fax machine is talking with the senders machine., 6.The fax machine will automatically begin to print each page of the fax., 7.Check the coversheet to make sure you received as many pages as were sent., u”8.If its an important document, its office etiquette to call or e-mail the sender to confirm that you received the fax.”,
Step 1, Create a cover letter to make sure whom this document would be sent and whether that number is right or wrong destination. Enter you cover letter before your document info the fax machine feeder facing machine., step2, Enter the fax number into the machine. There will be a button on the telephone numbers as a fax machine. Be careful when the numbers so you do not make mistakes., Step 3, press the submit button when you have corretly enter all the numbers into themachine. Typically, a submit button placed on the side or buttom of the keypad., Step 4, wait until your document prassing through the machine and collect when done., Step 5, wait until there is confirmation that you tell you whether you faks successfully sent or not.,

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Demikian Jawaban Bagaimana cara mengoperasikan mesin fax dan terjemahkan dalam bhasa inggris ? makasih Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

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