Drama yang terdiri dari 5 orang

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Drama yang terdiri dari 5 orang

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Drama Script Example 5 of this guy . is told about a friend . 5 played by the famous artist Bolliwood . Then if you are a role so you ve become the artist boliwood . Acceptable ? ? ? ? ?I will give a little Excerpts from the Drama Texts .listened yes”, Four of them cheating – cheating each other like the other students . But not with Budi , he looks relaxed and do their own exam without cheating .Banu : ” Bud , you re done ? “Budi : “No , stay 3 problems again “Banu : I m the answer number 15 to 20, Bud ! “Budi : ” Can not Ban , “Banu : “Why ? Were friends bud , we need cooperation “Early : “Yes Bud , we need to work together “Adi : “Yes , you are right most clever here bud “Budi : ” Such cooperation but not friends”Sita : “Why does Bud ? Only 5 about it! “Budi : ” Cheating is cheating or else give a bad thing , which is the same sin . I do not want mencotek for sin , as did members cheating to you . I m sorry “Before I proceed would be helpful to know that the Sample Script Drama or play the role does require a lot of preparation .Because in it , we really do have to be animating characters in the text scenario .However , what if we desired power to be able to bring a play to dipentaska .Surely we need a script that is not overly burdensome aka short plays that we can memorize in a relatively short time .okay now I love your example and short drama Full version, One time when the word justice has become extinct . re Holding semester exams . Banu Adi and sit together , Sita and Early sit together in front of him , while Budi sat alone beside Banu .Subjects who were in ujiankan is math , all students look confused and overwhelmed seeing the problem. And there was a conversation between 5 horde , Adi , Budi , Banu , Sita and Early .Banu : ” Din , I m the answer to question number 5 and 6 ! “Early : ” A and C “Sita : ” when it comes to numbers 10,11 and 15 answers what Tires ?Banu : ” 10 A , 11 D , number 15, I have not “Adi : ” Huss , do it tight later heard his teacher “Sita : ” because hard, yet I still much to do “Four of them cheating – cheating each other like the other students . But not with Budi , he looks relaxed and do their own exam without cheating .Banu : ” Bud , you re done ? “Budi : “No , stay 3 problems again “Banu : I m the answer number 15 to 20, Bud ! “Budi : ” Can not Ban , “Banu : “Why ? Were friends bud , we need cooperation “Early : “Yes Bud , we need to work together “Adi : “Yes , you are right most clever here bud “Budi : ” Such cooperation but not friends”Sita : “Why does Bud ? Only 5 about it! “Budi : ” Cheating is cheating or else give a bad thing , which is the same sin . I do not want mencotek for sin , as did members cheating to you . I m sorry “Sita : ” But this time , it is very urgent Bud “Early : “Yeah Bud , help us “Budi : ” still can not “Adi : ” yasudah , let it . Mind yourself Bud , and we take care of ourselves. ” ( Angry and annoyed )Banu : ” leave , take a look in a book “Banu then took the book from under her seat quietly , then look at the formula and answer in it . Then Sita asked a result .Sita : ” How Tires ? There is not ?Banu : ” There , you hear yes . 15 A , 16 D , 17 D , 18 B , 19 A , 20 C “Banu mindless voice sounded somewhat harsh , Master heard it and approached the four of them .Teacher : ” You people , cheating continues . Out of you “The four of them in the field of law in honor of the flag pole .Banu : ” I was not expecting to like it “Early : “I do not think , will be punished “Sita : “We should learn ya “Adi : “Yeah , right Budi “Banu : ” At a time like this , we are aware of the new yah ! “Sita : ” Im sorry ! “Adi , Early & Banu : ” Me too ” withAfter that Budi out of the classroom and approached them . Budi then stood up respectfully as others .Early : ” Why bud ? You in the law as well ? “Budi : “No , I want you guys serving well . Were friends , right? I want us together “Sita : ” I expect this to be a lesson all of us “Early : ” and we do not repeat again “Adi : ” We are a true friend “,

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Demikian Jawaban Drama yang terdiri dari 5 orang Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

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