3. 5 sentences in simple present using can.

Pertanyaan :

3. 5 sentences in simple present using can.

Jawaban :

Sentences in simple present tense :, The sun rises from the east., I usually go shopping every week., “My mothers name is Tika.”, Cats are mammals., Goats eat grass., The sky is blue., Tigers are carnivore., The trainleavestonight at 6 PM., The busdoes not arriveat 11 AM, itarrivesat 11 PM., I always visit my grandparents on Sunday afternoons., I am neverbusy on Monday mornings.,
1. Simple present tense, formula : S + Tobe / Verb I + O/C, e.q , I am a student in Budi Mulia Senior High School, My Mother gives me something before i departed, My brother makes me some cookies just now, I love rain alot, You can make any sentences you want as long as you know the formula, 2.Simple present tense ( + adverb of frequency), “the formulas just the same as the first.”, e.q , I wear this uniform two times a week, The sun rises brightly every morning, the teacher makes me write lines thousands times for detention, I teach the biology class 3 times a day in this school, My mother forces me to eat my meal 3 times a day, 3. Simple present tense (+ can), “the formulas just the same”, e.q, I can wear this sweeter like forever, You can make friends with anybody around the world using the social media , mother say, she can makes me the delicious muffins anytime i want. I love you, Mom, The man in charge in my house, that my Father actually can clean up all the cakes him self., I can write a thousands more sentences like this, but it feels kind of pathetic. :D, ~Ego,

BACA JUGA  seorang petugas pemilu mengamati keaslian kertas suara dengan menggunakan lup berkekuatan 10 dioptri, jika orang itu memiliki titik dekat mata 30 cm dan ingin memperoleh pembesaran angular maksimum, kartu suara ditempatkan didepan lup pada jarak?

Demikian Jawaban 3. 5 sentences in simple present using can. Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

BACA JUGA  Pada masa hindu-budha bahasa apakah yg dipakai untuk komunikasi

Dislcaimer :

Jawaban yang disediakan diatas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka, artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti diatas. mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Trimakasih

BACA JUGA  seutas tali dibagi menjadi 5 bagian dan panjang setiap bagian membentuk suatu barisan geometri. jika panjang potongan tali terpendek adalah 25cm dan potongan tali terpanjang 400cm, panjang tali mula2 adalah………. a.425 b.775 c.800 d.825
