Tolong bikinin deskripsi tentang kupu-kupu , kelinci ,sama burung dalam bahasa inggris 

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Tolong bikinin deskripsi tentang kupu-kupu , kelinci ,sama burung dalam bahasa inggris 

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-Butterfly : It has two beautifulwings, It can fly, It has two antenna., -Rabbit : It has two long ears, It can jump, It really likes to eat carrots., -Bird : It has two wing, it can fly, it has beak.
, “
Butterflies are beautiful, flying insects with large scaly wings like all insects, they have six legs, three body parts, apair of antennae, and compound eyes. the three body parts are the head throax (the chest) and abdomen (the tail end). the four wings andthe six legs of the butterfly are connected to the throax. the throax contains the muscles that makes the legs and the wings move. butterflies are very good fliers. they have two pairs of large wings covered with colourful scales. butterflies and moths are the only insects that have scaly wings. the wings are connected to the butterflys throax (mid section). butterfies can only fly if their body temperature is above 27 degrees centigrade. butterflies sun themselves to warm in cool weather. as butterflies get older,the colours of the wings fades and the wings become ragged. the speed varies among butterflies species (the poisonous varieties are slower than noun-poisonous varieties). the fastest butterflies can fly at about 50 kilometers per hour or faster slow flying butterflies about 8 kph. “,

BACA JUGA  Kekuatan seseorang untuk melakukan sosialisasi dalam masyarakat adalah ?

Demikian Jawaban Tolong bikinin deskripsi tentang kupu-kupu , kelinci ,sama burung dalam bahasa inggris  Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

BACA JUGA  Sebuah kapal tanker mengangkut bensin dari Indonesia ke Jepang.Bensin diangkut sebanyak 10.000 liter pada suhu 30 °C, Setibanya di Jepang suhu disana adalah 5 °C. Koefisien muai volume bensin adalah 959×10-6 /°C, maka volume bensin sekarang menjadi . . . .liter

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Jawaban yang disediakan diatas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka, artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti diatas. mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Trimakasih

BACA JUGA  Arti  dari representasi?