Recount text tentang pengalaman buruk minimal 200 kata

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Recount text tentang pengalaman buruk minimal 200 kata

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I have a bad experience. my experience happened last month. that was a sunny day, i was at school. on that day, i forgot to make my own composition about my favorite pet. without fear, i acted like usual and not try to make the composition, because my friend said that the teacher would not come to the class because of having other business. while i was playing with my friends, other students were busy about their composition. after playing with my friends, i went to the door to take breath, but, when i saw to the outside, i saw the english teacher was walking to my class. my face became pale, i was very…very afraid. quickly, i ran to my chair and sat down. while i have sat down on my chair, the teacher came and greeted , u”us. after greeted us, she put down her bag on the teachers table and call our names one by one to check who were absent and who were present. after did it, she call our name one by one to read our own composition. and finally, she called my name. i stood up and walked to in front of class. everyone looked at me. at last, i said to my teacher that i havent done her task. she was very angry at me and gave me some punishments. i was really sorry and since that day, i promised if i would not forget to do my task anymore…”, semoga membantu :), us.,

BACA JUGA  aluminium sepanjang 1 meter mempunyai ujung – ujung yg luasnya 4cm pangkat 2. suhu kedua ujung aluminium berturut-turut 20 derajat C dan 40 derajat C. jika k=45 kal/ms derajat C. hitung banyak kalor yang merambat setiap sekon

Demikian Jawaban Recount text tentang pengalaman buruk minimal 200 kata Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

BACA JUGA  Belanda ingin mengalahkan Diponegoro namun belum berhasil. Belanda berbohong untuk mengalahkannya. Pimpinan Belanda, pura-pura mengajak Diponegoro berunding di Magelang. Akan tetapi, Diponegoro ditangkap. Beliau diasingkan ke Batavia, kemudian Manado. Akhirnya Diponegoro dipindahkan ke Makassar sampai wafat 8 Juni 1855.Bagaimana cara Belanda mengalahkan Diponegoro?Cara Belanda mengalahkan Diponegoro dengan?

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Jawaban yang disediakan diatas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka, artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti diatas. mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Trimakasih

BACA JUGA  Apa yang dimaksud teks tanggapan deskriptif