Yang tau text narative nya comik Robinhood

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Yang tau text narative nya comik Robinhood

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Lewat images ya. semoga membantu :D,
The king said out of anger 201cSo you2019re the famous Robin Hood that2019s
been messing with my affairs,201d and then dicussed with him what his business
was with his daughter, and out of fear Robin quickly pulled out his bow
and readied his arrow right at the king. Suddenly out of no where one
of the kings2019 magicians zapped Robin Hood. There was an enormous flash
of light almost blinding everyone in the room. The light fades to
darkness as everyone looks back at what was known as the Robin Hood.
There he was standing
in a statue prison for all eternity never to be heard from again. The
next day the king had some guards cut the floor around the imprisoned
hero and place him in his garden to remind the towns people that he will
stop at nothing to get his way. The name of Robin Hood fades into
legend and legend into myth as centuries pass. The statued hero still
awaits in the garden till this very day.,

BACA JUGA  Provinsi yang lahir pada masa reformasi

Demikian Jawaban Yang tau text narative nya comik Robinhood Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

BACA JUGA  tolong bantuin saya mengubah teks di bawah ini menggunakan present tense   Unity in the Diversity of Cultures that Exist in Indonesia Culture of Indonesian society is very diverse because it consists of a variety of ethnicities, races, religions, languages , customs. The diversity of cultures is what causes people in Indonesia to be unique and different from other people in the world. Firstly, the diversity of tribes and religions were adopted, for example in Indonesia Javanese religion professed by the Javanese are Muslim, Catholic, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist. Batak tribe who embraced the Christian religion, Catholicism, and Islam. And many more tribes and religions in Indonesia. Secondly, the diversity of views of custom homes, each region has a different house for example Jakarta : Home Kebaya and Home Warehouse, West Java House Kesepuhan, London : Ward Kencono, Java : Joglo, Bali : Temple Gate Bentar. And much more because each region has a different house. Lastly, respect for cultural diversity in Indonesia so that there is no conflict between our example with respect to other groups that run the habits and customs, culture results do not insult other tribes, would watch the traditional performing arts, proud of the culture in the country. We should be proud of, has a diverse ethnic and cultural. Ethnic and cultural diversity is the wealth of our nation. In fact we also had missed , native culture we claimed or recognized as indigenous cultures of other nations. So we have to unite our diverse culture that is not claimed other nations. If we are united we will not disintegrate even though we have different cultures and diverse.                      

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Jawaban yang disediakan diatas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka, artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti diatas. mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Trimakasih

BACA JUGA  Jumlah 50 buah bilangan asli pertama yang habis di bagi 3
