tolong dibantu ya.. Jadikan kata2 dibawah ini menjadi passive voice.. 1. We are not warning them of the danger 2. They are selling the houses at the low price 3. The army are sending my aunt to Haiti on a special mission 4. Your father was not insuring the package 5. A week ago Susan gave back my theses 6. My son does not carry his suitcases himself 7. The man put the travo box in front of the dor 8. The little boy shows his new toys to his grandma 9. My cousin buys me the tickets to new zeland 10. He is hanging the photograph on the wall

Pertanyaan :

tolong dibantu ya.. Jadikan kata2 dibawah ini menjadi passive voice.. 1. We are not warning them of the danger 2. They are selling the houses at the low price 3. The army are sending my aunt to Haiti on a special mission 4. Your father was not insuring the package 5. A week ago Susan gave back my theses 6. My son does not carry his suitcases himself 7. The man put the travo box in front of the dor 8. The little boy shows his new toys to his grandma 9. My cousin buys me the tickets to new zeland 10. He is hanging the photograph on the wall

Jawaban :

1. Them of the danger are not being warned by us, 2. The houses are being sold by them at the low price, 3. My aunt is being sent by the army to Haiti on a special mission, 4. The package was not being insured by your father, 5. A week ago my theses were given back by Susan, 6. His suitcases are not carried by my son himself, 7. The travo box is put by the man in front of the door, 8. His new toys are showed by the little boy to his grandma, 9. I am bought by my cousin the tickets to New Zealand, 10. The photograph was being hung by him on the wall, Jadikan yg terbaik ya…,
1. they are not being warned of the danger by us, 2. the houses are being sold by them at the low price, 3. my aunt is being sent to haiti on a special mission by the army, 4. the package was not being insured by my father, 5. my theses were given back by susan a week ago, 6. his suitcases are not carried by my son himself, 7. the travo box is put in front of the door by the man, 8. his new toys are showed by the little boy to his grandma, 9. the tickets to new zealand is bought for me by my cousin, 10. the photograph is being hung on the wall by him, semoga membantu :),

BACA JUGA  Kepanjangan aparnet adalah ?

Demikian Jawaban tolong dibantu ya.. Jadikan kata2 dibawah ini menjadi passive voice.. 1. We are not warning them of the danger 2. They are selling the houses at the low price 3. The army are sending my aunt to Haiti on a special mission 4. Your father was not insuring the package 5. A week ago Susan gave back my theses 6. My son does not carry his suitcases himself 7. The man put the travo box in front of the dor 8. The little boy shows his new toys to his grandma 9. My cousin buys me the tickets to new zeland 10. He is hanging the photograph on the wall Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

BACA JUGA  Nabi yang pertama adalah ?

Dislcaimer :

Jawaban yang disediakan diatas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka, artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti diatas. mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Trimakasih

BACA JUGA  Bentuk return saham, obligasi, sukuk, reksadana, SBI itu apa yaa