*minta tolong ya :))* thanks before :))

Pertanyaan :

*minta tolong ya :))* thanks before :))

Jawaban :

The speech which I am about to deliver will not be for the purpose of checking your start homeward, for, so far as I am concerned, you may depart wherever you wish; but for the purpose of making you understand when you take yourselves off, what kind of men you have been to us who have conferred such benefits upon you. In the first place, as is reasonable,I shall begin my speech from my father Philip. For he found you vagabonds and destitute of means, most of you clad in hides, feeding a few sheep up the mountain sides, Instead of the hides he gave you cloaks to wear, and from the mountains he led you down into the plains, and made you capable of fighting the neighbouring barbarians, He made you colonists of cities, he made you rulers over those very barbarians by whom you yourselves, as well as your property, were previously liable to be carried off or ravaged. He also added the greater part of Thrace to Macedonia, He made you rulers over the Thessalians, of whom you had formerly been in mortal fear; and by humbling the nation of the Phocians, he rendered the avenue into Greece broad and easy for yo, Athenians and Thebans, who were always lying in wait to attack Macedonia, he humbled to such a degree, I started from the country which could not decently support you, and forthwith laid open to you the passage of the Hellespont, though at that time the Persians held the sovereignty of the sea., I added to your empire the whole of Ionia, the whole of Aeolis, both Phrygias and Lydia, and I took Miletus by siege, The riches of Egypt and Cyrene, which I acquired without fighting a battle, have come to you. Coele-Syria, Palestine, and Mesopotamia are your property. Babylon, Bactra, and Susa are yours. The wealth of the Lydians, the treasures of the Persians, and the riches of the Indians are yours,
Contoh pidato bahasa inggris :, Good afternoon,
of all, I would like to express gratitude to God because I am able to
be present with a full of health on the commemoration of environment
day. I would also like to thank to the audience who have given me the
opportunity to speak on this pulpit.
environment is the thing that is very important for mankind and should
be taken care well. Our country is very rich. Since the ancient times,
Indonesian forest has become the world2019s lungs and is the foundation of
the existing ecological balance in the world. When developed countries
produce the fumes because of their industry, our country clean the
pollution up with the green forests that exist in many areas.
now we have to take action to save our forests. Lungs of the world that
we have are being lost because of illegal logging and fires. If those
deforestations are still continuing, it will not be impossible if we
lose ours and the global warming continues to increase.
forests are being weakened, I believe that we can no longer feel the
fresh air and the cool breeze during a day. Our country will turn into a
hot country and so painful. Weather changes which are present in this
country cannot be predicted and the dry season comes longer than before.
Are we willing to Indonesia when its forest loss and become like that?
Of course not.
this speech, I want to assure you that we are able to preserve the
forests and natural wealth to our children in the future. We are able to
make Indonesia always be the lungs of the world which are highly
admired by any nation. Indonesia2019s forests is a very valuable asset.
protect the environment, we can start from the smallest things such as
planting trees around the house. When every person in Indonesia plants a
tree in the backyard, this country will have a very good environment in
the next five years. The fresh air and the rivers2019 flowing can
certainly be easy to see and Indonesia will never lose its best
yourself and teach your children to love the environment. Do not let
them to be more attracted to the video games in the air conditioned room
rather than planting the trees in the garden. Make them love the nature
by getting them to do camping, gardening, and do outbound as often as
possible. When they know their nature, then they would love nature as
they love themselves.
I do not want people to lose their consciousness to preserve Indonesia. Let us keep and preserve our forests from now.
Thank you for your attention and good afternoon.

BACA JUGA  Syarat syarat administrasi kependudukan di DKI Jakarta

Demikian Jawaban *minta tolong ya :))* thanks before :)) Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

BACA JUGA  Minta peribahasa sama artinya y

Dislcaimer :

Jawaban yang disediakan diatas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka, artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti diatas. mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Trimakasih

BACA JUGA  Kenapa seni itu penting ?
