Drama bahasa inggris, dengan jumlah pemain 6 orang.yang seru dong???????

Pertanyaan :

Drama bahasa inggris, dengan jumlah pemain 6 orang.yang seru dong???????

Jawaban :

, u”

#Scene 1 : in the Cinderella2019s house
Alice : Cinderella2026, Cinderella2026, Cinderella2026!
Cinderella : Wait, I2019m coming. Why do you call me?
Alice : look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly.
Cinderella :okay i will take a broom in terrace
Alice : no … no.. you must ironing my dress first.
Cinderella : i will ironing your dress after cleaning the floor
Alice : you didnt hear me. you must ironing my dress
first . i have rule that you must obey. If you didnt duty you know what
will happened to you !
Step mother : What2019s happen in here?
Alice : No, mom. Nothing. Look at that, that2019s rat, rat2026
Step mother : Kill it now!
Cinderella : Don2019t touch it. Let it go away
Step mother : Cinderella, are you sure2026.
Cinderella : I2019m sure mom. If we let it go, it won2019t come back to here.
Step mother :What do you talking about? I wouldn2019t say it. I would say 2018are you sure want to get new punish?
Cinderella : a2026, a2026, a2026
Step mother : Okay, let it go away. Then clean the floor and cook some food quickly. And you can2019t dinner tonight
Cinderella : okay, mom.
, : But friends,
as long as we learn definitely easy. You agree? But,I was too confused to do it., : But fortunately I was sitting in the back. So, can cheat., “: Yore cheating?”, : Yes, I am., “: Me too. Ive been cheating the formula in the book that I hide in the drawer.”, : Wah wah wah. Not good!., (Agung and Kholid come and intends to join in the conversation), Can we join the
discussion?, : Yeah, can not?, : Yes allowed., You are what discussion?, “: Its, time math test last Nur and Salma cheating.”, : Cheat? I and the Agung was also cheating., : What? So who did not cheat just me and Dhea?, “: My goodness. No! Friends cheating that included corruption!”, : How come?, Weird!!, : Funny!!,

BACA JUGA  Sebutkan tanda tanda adanya kerjasama antar umat beragama ?

Demikian Jawaban Drama bahasa inggris, dengan jumlah pemain 6 orang.yang seru dong??????? Semoga membantu adi-adik yang sedang mencari jawaban. Kemudian kami sarankan untuk melakukan pencarian soal selanjutnya dan temukan jawabannya hanya di situs kami.

BACA JUGA  Pada kubus ABCD.EFGH . Jika AP adl perpanjangan rusuk AB sehingga AB:BP = 2:1 dan FQ adl perpanjangan FG sehingga FP:FG = 3:2 , maka tentukanlah jarak antara titik P & Q !

Dislcaimer :

Jawaban yang disediakan diatas hanya untuk digunakan oleh orang tua siswa dalam memandu proses belajar online anak. Soal diatas berupa pertanyaan yang terbuka, artinya banyak jawaban tidak terpaku seperti diatas. mudah-mudahan artikel ini bisa bermanfaat, Trimakasih

BACA JUGA  Penyatuan suatu wilayah dengan sistem teknologi yang bergerak dengan dunia maya disebut dengan masa?
