Dalam proses elektrolisis dari larutan CuCl2, akan ada . . . . di katoda

Dalam proses elektrolisis dari larutan CuCl2, akan ada . . . . di katoda
A Penangkapan elektron dari Cu2+
B Penangkapan elektron dari Cl-
C Terbentuk gelembung dari H2
D Elektron dilepaskan ke dalam larutan
E Penangkapan ion negative dari larutan

BACA JUGA  Beberapa jenis zat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari : 1) Garam dapur 2) Kapur barus 3) Iodin 4) Belerang Zat yang menyublim ketika dipanaskan adalah

Jawaban :

B Penangkapan elektron dari Cl-
















BACA JUGA  Fruits are a source of nourishing substances that keep us alive and healthy. For example, they contain many vitamins, especially vitamins A and C, and many minerals, such as calcium, potassium, and zinc. They also provide fiber for a healthy digestive system and carbohydrates that the body needs to make energy. They don’t have a lot of calories to make us fat. People use fruits for many things. We make juices from them. We cook bread and pie with them. We make jams and jellies and sweets. We freeze them to eat later. We even make alcohol from fruit. Beer comes from grains, wine comes from grapes, and some brandies are made from plums, apricots, or other fruits. But most of the time, we don’t do anything special with fruits. We eat them fresh, just as they are! “We eat them fresh, just as they are!” (last paragraph) The word “they” in the sentence refer to




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